Research Report Identifying Pathways for Upward Mobility
Gregory Acs, Kevin Werner, Kristin Blagg, Steven Martin
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We use data from the updated Social Genome Model to track the well-being of children from birth through age 30. We find that although almost half of all children are born into disadvantaged circumstances (such as being born into a family with low income), about 60 percent of all children are on track for healthy development while growing up and are economically stable and healthy by age 30. Stark differences emerge by race and ethnicity. Black, non-Hispanic and Hispanic children born into advantaged circumstances are less likely to be on track at age 30 than their non-Black, non-Hispanic counterparts born into disadvantaged circumstances.

Research and Evidence Work, Education, and Labor Race and Equity Family and Financial Well-Being
Expertise Wealth and Financial Well-Being Apprenticeships Labor Markets Early Childhood
Tags Employment and education Racial equity in education Racial inequities in employment Children and youth