Brief How Chicago and Cook County Can Leverage Opportunity Zones for Community Benefit
Brett Theodos, Brady Meixell
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Local officials, impact investors, and philanthropy have important roles to play in helping communities access Opportunity Zone financing that benefits current residents, especially those with low or moderate incomes. Using Chicago and Cook County as a case study, we identify steps these actors can take to attract helpful, and limit harmful, investments. We find that the Opportunity Zones selected in Chicago and Cook County broadly fulfilled the incentive’s spirit, targeting areas that were more economically distressed. Going forward, it will be necessary to leverage available policy and philanthropic levers to compel private action in line with community interests.

Research and Evidence Housing and Communities Tax and Income Supports Work, Education, and Labor Family and Financial Well-Being
Expertise Community and Economic Development Upward Mobility and Inequality Housing, Land Use, and Transportation Thriving Cities and Neighborhoods Social Safety Net Taxes and the Economy Wealth and Financial Well-Being Workforce Development Apprenticeships Housing
Tags Federal housing programs and policies Poverty Infrastructure Federal urban policies Employment and education Job opportunities Multifamily finance Single-family finance Credit availability Financial products and services Public and private investment Individual taxes Taxes and business Finance Financial stability
States Illinois
Cities Chicago-Naperville-Elgin, IL-IN-WI