Research Report Housing Security in the Washington Region
Leah Hendey, Peter A. Tatian, Graham MacDonald
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This study examines critical gaps in affordable housing across a range of income levels in the Washington, DC region. More permanent supportive housing is needed to reduce chronic homelessness. The lack of affordable apartments, particularly for extremely low income renters, contributed to the number of homeless people and resulted in over half of all renters paying over 30 percent of their income on housing costs. Low income homebuyers also faced challenges because of high prices. These findings can help local governments and philanthropy direct scarce public and private resources to address the region's affordable housing needs.

In addition to the comparative and summary profiles of the jurisdictions studied, which are located in Appendix A in Housing Security in the Washington Region, below we have included more detailed profiles for each jurisdiction.

Research and Evidence Housing and Communities
Expertise Preventing and Ending Homelessness Housing
Tags Federal housing programs and policies Housing markets Greater DC
Cities Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV