Brief The Health of Disconnected Low-Income Men
Margaret Simms, Marla McDaniel, William Monson, Karina Fortuny
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This brief examines the health insurance coverage and health status of disconnected low-income men from 2008 to 2010, focusing primarily on mens connections to health care providers and systems. Less than half of low-income men age 1844 in the United States have any insurance coverage; coverage rates vary significantly by state, citizenship, ethnicity, and education. Compared with higher-income men the same age, low-income men also have lower access to routine health care and have worse health outcomes.
Research and Evidence Health Policy Family and Financial Well-Being Tax and Income Supports Race and Equity
Expertise Social Safety Net
Tags Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Racial and ethnic disparities Race, gender, class, and ethnicity Men and boys