The Mississippi Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training (MIBEST) initiative is a statewide workforce and economic development effort led by the Mississippi Community College Board and implemented in partnership with the state’s 15 community colleges. MIBEST concurrently delivers career and technical education and adult education, targeting residents without a high school credential, individuals with low incomes, and other nontraditional students. This evaluation assesses the implementation of MIBEST and program outcomes, including academic and earnings impacts and the program’s return on investment between January 2016 and December 2019. Overall, we find positive impacts of participation in the MIBEST program as measured by completion of credits, credential attainment, and earnings impacts. Findings vary by field of study, race and ethnicity, and gender. Earnings impacts are initially negative while students are enrolled in the MIBEST program but improve one year after enrollment. During the second year after enrollment, student quarterly earnings were between $500 and $750 higher than they would have been without MIBEST. We find a positive return on investment, meaning the estimated growth in students’ earnings exceeds the philanthropic and government investments in MIBEST.
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