Research Report Express Lane Eligibility and Beyond: How Automated Enrollment Can Help Eligible Children Receive Medicaid and CHIP
Stan Dorn
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Automated enrollment strategies have achieved remarkable results with many public and private benefit programs, dramatically increasing program participation while lowering administrative costs and reducing erroneous eligibility determinations. The recently passed Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act of 2009 (CHIPRA) should make such steps much easier for states to take in covering eligible but uninsured children. Following CHIPRA's enactment, states have both new tools and new incentives to use automated strategies in fulfilling four key functions: identifying uninsured children; determining their eligibility for health coverage; enrolling eligible children into coverage; and retaining eligible children.
Research and Evidence Health Policy Family and Financial Well-Being
Expertise Reproductive and Maternal Health Medicare and Medicaid Early Childhood
Tags Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program  State Children's Health Insurance Program Children's health and development Children and youth