Research Report Expanding and Improving Work-Based Learning in Community Colleges
Better Data and Measurement to Realize Goals for Students and Employers
Shayne Spaulding, Ian Hecker, Emily Bramhall
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Work-based learning (WBL) as an important strategy for helping students prepare for and access good jobs. Across the country and at all levels of government, efforts are underway to expand and diversify WBL. Because they enroll diverse student bodies and providing career-focused education and training, community colleges are poised to play a role in these efforts. This report and accompanying slide deck explore the current state of knowledge about WBL in community college contexts and how it is measured. We find that 1) WBL models and definitions vary across community colleges; 2) the federal government, states and community colleges need to align systems of measurement to assess the effectiveness of WBL expansion efforts; and 3) an institutional commitment to WBL is vital to successful implementation and measurement. We recommend increased funding and common definitions of WBL at both state and federal levels and the integration of WBL elements into existing data platforms. We further recommend that community colleges incorporate WBL elements into their own data systems, and commit institutionally to WBL.

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Research and Evidence Work, Education, and Labor Technology and Data Race and Equity
Expertise Higher Education Workforce Development Apprenticeships Labor Markets Research Methods and Data Analysis
Research Methods Performance measurement and management
Tags Higher education Racial and ethnic disparities Employment and education Job training Beyond high school: education and training Racial equity in education Racial inequities in employment Community colleges