Brief An Evaluation of a Workforce Development Program for Domestic Violence Survivors
Interim Results from the Economic Empowerment Program in New York City
Marina Duane, Storm Ervin, Libby Doyle, Emily Tiry, Meredith Dank, Andrea Hughes
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Over the past 10 years, Sanctuary for Families, one of the largest victim service providers in New York City, has implemented a workforce development program called the Economic Empowerment Program that works exclusively with domestic violence survivors. From fall 2019 through summer 2020, we conducted an evaluation of this program. Our interim findings suggest that after four months of completing the required modules of the program, clients not only improve their skills attainment and job readiness but become able to address critical barriers to employment, such as safety concerns, low self-esteem, and lack of confidence in career outlook. Moreover, we found that clients made meaningful connections with facilitators and each other, thus helping them address the social isolation that survivors often face.  These interim findings can inform service providers and policymakers who may otherwise shy away from launching workforce development programs that work exclusively with survivors.

Research and Evidence Justice and Safety Work, Education, and Labor Tax and Income Supports Research to Action
Expertise Upward Mobility and Inequality Wealth and Financial Well-Being Higher Education Workforce Development Apprenticeships Social Safety Net Victim Safety and Justice Immigration
Tags Victims of crime Immigrant access to the safety net Wages and nonwage compensation Employment and education Labor force Beyond high school: education and training Wages and economic mobility Intimate partner violence