Research Report Empowering Young People to Make Their Place: A Case Study of the Marcus Garvey Clubhouse in Brownsville, Brooklyn
Mark Treskon, Sino Esthappan
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Key takeaway: Collaborative youth clubhouse changes perceptions of community safety

Abstract: This report describes how the Marcus Garvey Clubhouse uses arts and culture to revitalize and reimagine community safety in a high crime, low income neighborhood in Brooklyn, NY. Drawing on interviews and focus groups with program participants, program staff, and funders, this case study finds that actively engaging with the needs of youth and empowering them to design and program a community space can foster economic opportunities and enhance perceptions of neighborhood safety.

Research and Evidence Housing and Communities Justice and Safety Work, Education, and Labor Family and Financial Well-Being Tax and Income Supports
Expertise Thriving Cities and Neighborhoods Nonprofits and Philanthropy Transition-Age Young People Workforce Development Apprenticeships Early Childhood
Tags Employment Economic well-being Arts and culture Delinquency and crime Youth employment and training Neighborhoods and youth development Creative placemaking Children and youth