Research Report Employer Engagement in Summer Youth Employment Programs
Amanda Briggs, Natalie Spievack, David C. Blount
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Our report examines how employer engagement in summer youth employment programs (SYEPs) helps facilitate youths’ connections to the workforce. This is important given concerns about low levels of employment among youth and potential effects of unemployment on young people’s long-term outcomes. We focus on SYEP initiatives in three cities: New Orleans, Philadelphia, and St. Louis. We find that it is crucial for SYEP staff to deepen engagement with employers to create viable bridges to the labor force and that there are a variety of strategies SYEPs can use to build and strengthen employer partnerships. We conclude with recommendations, discussing promising approaches and challenges to employer engagement and sustained involvement among employer partners. Our findings provide a roadmap for increasing employer engagement and involvement in SYEPs.
Research and Evidence Work, Education, and Labor Family and Financial Well-Being Tax and Income Supports Research to Action Race and Equity
Expertise Upward Mobility and Inequality Transition-Age Young People Thriving Cities and Neighborhoods Higher Education Workforce Development Labor Markets Early Childhood
Tags Employment Racial and ethnic disparities Economic well-being Job opportunities Labor force Beyond high school: education and training Racial equity in education Racial inequities in economic mobility Racial inequities in employment Youth development Employer engagement Building America’s Workforce Children and youth