Brief Elevating Cultural Relevance and Racial Equity in Research and Evaluation
Lessons from an Urban Institute-Asian American LEAD Collaboration
Yuju Park, Charmaine Runes, Michael Katz, Cary Lou
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Interest in evidence-based programs is increasing—not just among policymakers, but among philanthropic organizations. Simultaneously, more foundations are interested in supporting efforts that advance racial equity in research and in the field. To providers serving less well-researched communities, applying for grants amid these parallel movements can feel like a trade-off. This brief discusses the tension between implementing models based on available evidence and piloting programs that prioritize cultural relevance and responsiveness to the communities they serve. The discussion stems from Urban’s partnership with a nonprofit youth development organization, Asian American Youth Leadership Empowerment and Development (AALEAD).

Research and Evidence Family and Financial Well-Being Technology and Data Race and Equity Tax and Income Supports
Expertise Nonprofits and Philanthropy Families Research Methods and Data Analysis Early Childhood Immigration
Research Methods Performance measurement and management
Tags Immigrant children, families, and communities Children and youth Greater DC
Cities Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV