Research Report Effective Programs and Policies for Promoting Economic Well-Being
Lessons from the Financial Security, Housing, Workforce Development, and Case Management Fields
Barbara Butrica, Kassandra Martinchek, Martha M. Galvez, Heather Hahn, Signe-Mary McKernan, Shayne Spaulding
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Practitioners and policymakers understand that improving economic well-being among families with low incomes requires treating the causes: financial insecurity, joblessness, low-wage jobs, and expensive housing costs. This report is written for practitioners, policymakers, and researchers who are looking for ways to bring research to practice. The report identifies proven, promising, and emerging practices in the areas of financial security, workforce development, housing, and case management. Within each area, it highlights research on policies and programs, provides examples of common benchmarks and measures of success, and lists organizations working within these spaces.

For a short summary of highlighted interventions, see the fact sheet.

Research Areas Education Wealth and financial well-being Social safety net Workforce
Tags Families with low incomes Workforce development Hunger and food assistance Job training Beyond high school: education and training
Policy Centers Center on Labor, Human Services, and Population Income and Benefits Policy Center