Research Report Early Care and Education for Children in Low-Income Families
Patterns of Use, Quality, and Potential Policy Implications
Gina Adams, Martha Zaslow, Kathryn Tout
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Use of early care and education (ECE) is a reality for many families with young children. Research shows the importance of the early years for childrens development, and suggests that high-quality ECE can be particularly important for children from low-income families. In addition, the U.S. invests billions to support ECE. This paper assesses the patterns of ECE utilization by low-income families, the implications for children's development of the extent and quality of ECE participation, the evidence on the quality of ECE that low-income children receive, and the policy context that shapes ECE. It concludes by laying out key policy considerations.
Research and Evidence Family and Financial Well-Being
Expertise Early Childhood
Tags Child care Head Start and Early Head Start Children and youth