Brief Delivering Justice for Human Trafficking Survivors
Implications for Practice
Evelyn F. McCoy, Colleen Owens, Lilly Yu, Hanna Love, Jeanette Hussemann
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This brief builds on qualitative research exploring how survivors and system actors define justice in human trafficking cases, suggesting methods for building trust and delivering justice to survivors in light of the study’s findings. Drawing from qualitative interviews with 80 survivors of sex and labor trafficking and 100 practitioner stakeholders, including law enforcement officials, prosecutors, and service providers, the brief offers recommendations for improving survivors’ experiences with service provision and the criminal justice system at several decision points, including arrest, investigation, and prosecution. It also presents a tool to help practitioners engage with survivors throughout their recovery. Practitioners can employ the information from this brief to inform their daily work with survivors.

Research and Evidence Justice and Safety
Expertise Victim Safety and Justice
Tags Human trafficking Trauma-informed approaches Restorative justice