Fact Sheet College Access and Success Policies: Student-Parent Families at the Center
Autumn R. Green, Kristi Johns, Theresa Anderson
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This fact sheet supports the Student-Parent Families at the Center Framework, available on the Student-Parent Families at the Center webpage. It describes a system or support that postsecondary students with children must navigate when pursuing their education goals. This fact sheet provides an overview of the system, program, or issue; details how student parents fit in; and offers considerations for supporting parents to achieve their education goals.

Research and Evidence Work, Education, and Labor Family and Financial Well-Being Tax and Income Supports Research to Action
Expertise Upward Mobility and Inequality Families Social Safety Net K-12 Education Higher Education Workforce Development Apprenticeships Labor Markets Early Childhood
Tags Assistance for women and children Beyond high school: education and training Community colleges Economic well-being Employment and education Families with low incomes Higher education Inequality and mobility Inequities in educational achievement Mobility Parenting Postsecondary education and training Schooling Women and girls Work-family balance Youth employment and training Student parents Building America’s Workforce Children and youth