Brief Child Care and Feeding Young Children during the Pandemic
Exploring the Role of the Child and Adult Care Feeding Program
Catherine Kuhns, Gina Adams
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The Child and Adult Care Food Program is the primary way children in early care and education settings are fed, yet child care program closures related to COVID-19 left many young children across the country without the food they depend on. Even as many states reopen child care, the crisis is expected to continue, and at least some programs will likely close again after reopening. This brief focuses on what we know about whether and how young children were fed during program closures, as well as barriers that programs faced in ensuring vulnerable children and families were able to access meals. Experts from across the field weighed in on the challenges of feeding young children amid a pandemic and the implications for policy changes. They also shared best practices to ensure that young children’s nutritional needs are met in the current crisis and to build a more resilient system moving forward.

Research Areas Education Families Social safety net Children and youth
Tags COVID-19 Kids in context From Safety Net to Solid Ground Immigrant children, families, and communities
Policy Centers Center on Labor, Human Services, and Population