Brief CareerWise: Case Study of a Youth Apprenticeship Intermediary
Batia Katz, Diana Elliott
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As students search for experiential and career-oriented learning opportunities and employers seek to fill critical skills gaps in the workplace, more organizations in the US are turning to youth apprenticeship. Youth apprenticeship is an innovative work-based learning model supported by the work of intermediaries across the country. One such intermediary is CareerWise, a Colorado-based organization that supports businesses, students, and educators seeking to start programs employing young people as apprentices. The Urban Institute conducted a case study of CareerWise’s program to understand the impact of youth apprenticeship on employers and apprentices, and how CareerWise has worked to scale their model at the state level and beyond. CareerWise’s successes and challenges in developing their program can serve as useful lessons for advocates working to build youth apprenticeship across the country.

Research and Evidence Family and Financial Well-Being Work, Education, and Labor
Expertise Upward Mobility and Inequality Transition-Age Young People Higher Education Workforce Development Apprenticeships Early Childhood
Tags Employment Employment and education Labor force Job training Youth employment and training Beyond high school: education and training Apprenticeships Youth development Children and youth