Brief Building Public Housing Authority Capacity for Better Resident Services
Sarah Gillespie, Susan J. Popkin
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This brief describes the opportunities to use housing as a platform for resident services, the challenges to coordinating services effectively in public and assisted housing, and the strategies and recommendations to ensure that service coordination is evidence based. It primarily highlights insights from the Urban Institute’s Housing Opportunity and Service’s Together (HOST) demonstration established in 2010 to test a whole-family, wraparound model for addressing intergenerational poverty and disadvantage in public and subsidized housing. Adapting lessons from HOST for current service coordination models, even in an environment of scarce resources, creates opportunities for new partners, strategies, and flexibilities.

Research Areas Education Neighborhoods, cities, and metros Children and youth Housing
Tags Federal housing programs and policies Children's health and development Neighborhoods and youth development Kids in context
Policy Centers Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center