Brief Bridging the Gap: Executive Summary
Gina Adams, Shayne Spaulding, Caroline Heller
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New economic realities have focused attention on how to best design workforce development strategies to help low-wage and low-skill workers succeed. Lack of child care is one important barrier that can make it difficult for low-income parents to successfully participate in education and training programs. This brief provides an overview of the child care and workforce development systems, and discusses the issues that lie at the intersection of these two worlds. It concludes with a description of next steps for policymakers and practitioners in each domain, and important questions that still need to be examined.
Research Areas Education Families Social safety net Children and youth Workforce
Tags Families with low incomes Subsidized employment Higher education Workforce development Welfare and safety net programs Economic well-being Public service and subsidized employment programs Child care Head Start and elementary education Workers in low-wage jobs Job training Work supports Work-family balance Early childhood education Kids in context Beyond high school: education and training Child care and workers Child care and early childhood education
Policy Centers Center on Labor, Human Services, and Population Income and Benefits Policy Center