Research Report Boosting Upward Mobility: Exemplars
Mary Bogle, Martha Fedorowicz, Keith Fudge, Kriti Ramakrishnan, Laura Sullivan
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Although the challenge is daunting, programs and policies being implemented across the US have demonstrated success in supporting people’s upward mobility. Researchers examined six interventions that have been shown through rigorous evaluation to boost economic and social mobility. By exploring these programs, they aimed to better understand how successful interventions have increased economic success, power and autonomy, and being valued in community. They also examined how more proactive application of the mobility dimensions might help to scale what is successful about each exemplar across varied places and even to the level of systems reform.

Research and Evidence Health Policy Research to Action Work, Education, and Labor Family and Financial Well-Being Housing and Communities Tax and Income Supports
Expertise Housing, Land Use, and Transportation Social Safety Net Wealth and Financial Well-Being K-12 Education Reproductive and Maternal Health Upward Mobility and Inequality Early Childhood
Tags Employment Poverty Housing vouchers and mobility Children's health and development Economic well-being Maternal, child, and reproductive health Head Start and Early Head Start Job training Mobility Early childhood education Inequality and mobility Public and assisted housing Children and youth