Brief Better Data for Better Policy
Lessons Learned from across the Coleridge Initiative's Partnerships
Daniel Kuehn
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This brief describes the experiences of the Coleridge Initiative with 10 federal agencies and with postsecondary education, workforce, and other state agencies in 40 states. The Coleridge Initiative is a nonprofit organization that collaborates with federal, state, and local government agencies to build capacity to improve research and policy by providing a platform to securely link confidential microdata within and across states and agencies and by offering training classes to agency staff. This is the third of three briefs on the experiences of the Coleridge Initiative and its partners. Every Coleridge Initiative partnership evolves differently, so current partners’ experiences provide a wealth of models and lessons for the expansion of the Coleridge Initiative’s activities into new states and agencies. The initiative created value for state and federal partners by guiding them to produce data projects that inform policymakers, convening and supporting communities of practice, and building relationships across agencies and states.

Research and Evidence Work, Education, and Labor
Expertise Higher Education Apprenticeships Labor Markets
Tags Community data use Employment and income data Employment and education Higher education Postsecondary education and training Community colleges Evidence-based policy capacity
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