Research Report Are State Medicaid Managed Care Programs Ready for 2014? A Review of Eight States
Teresa A. Coughlin, Brigette Courtot, Rebecca Peters
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The Medicaid expansion authorized by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will result in significant enrollment increases for state Medicaid programs. A majority of these new enrollees will receive care through a Medicaid managed care plan. This brief describes how eight states are preparing to provide Medicaid coverage to these new enrollees and, more generally, altering their managed care programs. While some challenges were noted, state officials in each of the eight states felt their Medicaid managed care programs were well positioned to handle ACA-related Medicaid enrollees. Moreover, health plan capacity was described as sufficient, although there was some concern about provider capacity.
Research and Evidence Health Policy Tax and Income Supports
Expertise Taxes and the Economy Health Care Coverage, Access, and Affordability Health Care Reform Medicare and Medicaid
Tags Health insurance Federal health care reform Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program  State health care reform State and local tax issues