Research Report Achieving Quality, Affordable Health Insurance for All New Yorkers: An Analysis of Reform Options
Linda J. Blumberg, Bowen Garrett, Matthew Buettgens, Lisa Clemans-Cope, John Holahan, Aaron Lucas, Paul Masi, Baoping Shang
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Under contract to the State of New York, researchers conducted in-depth micro-simulation analyses of four types of health care reforms being considered for state implementation: a single payer public health insurance option, Assembly Member Gottfried's New York Health Plus proposal that provides an option for all New Yorkers to enroll in Family Health plus, public-private hybrid options that simplify and expand existing public programs and reform private health insurance, and a market-based option that relies on regulatory flexibility and tax credits. The cost and coverage implications of state reform options falling into these four categories are presented in this report.
Research and Evidence Health Policy
Expertise Health Care Coverage, Access, and Affordability Health Care Reform
Tags Health insurance State health care reform Private insurance