Fact Sheet 2020 Poverty Projections: Comparing the Effects of Provisions in the HEALS and HEROES Acts
Gregory Acs, Laura Wheaton, Linda Giannarelli, Kevin Werner
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The Health, Economic Assistance, Liability Protection and Schools (HEALS) Act under consideration by the US Senate would support families who are struggling during the pandemic-induced recession, but it would provide substantially less support than the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solution (HEROES) Act passed by the House of Representatives in May 2020. Projections of poverty rates for the final five months of 2020 suggest that key provisions of the HEROES Act would keep 12.2 million people from falling below the poverty level. Using a similar method, we project that two key provisions of the HEALS Act would together keep 7.7 million people above the poverty level in that same period, August through December.

Research and Evidence Work, Education, and Labor Tax and Income Supports Technology and Data
Expertise Social Safety Net Labor Markets Taxes and the Economy Microsimulation Modeling
Research Methods ATTIS Microsimulation Model
Tags Poverty Refundable tax credits Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Unemployment and unemployment insurance From Safety Net to Solid Ground Hunger and food assistance