Research Report 2020 Census Overview for the Greater DC Region: Redistricting Data
Peter A. Tatian
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This report summarizes the latest decennial census data for the greater Washington, DC, (Greater DC) region, including the District of Columbia’s eight wards and 24 cities and counties in Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia. The region grew from 5.6 to 6.4 million people between 2010 and 2020, an increase of 13.0 percent. Since 2000, the adult share of the region’s population has slowly increased while the share of children has decreased. The Greater DC region became more racially and ethnically diverse over the past decade, with large increases in both the Hispanic/Latinx and non-Hispanic/Latinx Asian and Pacific Islander populations. The District experienced the fourth-largest decade of population growth in its history, but the Black population continued a 50-year decline. The non-Hispanic/Latinx Black population became the largest group overall in the region’s five Maryland counties, surpassing the non-Hispanic/Latinx white population, with even larger growth for the Hispanic/Latinx population. Growth over the past decade in the Virginia counties and cities was driven largely by increases in the non-Hispanic/Latinx Asian and Pacific Islander populations and Hispanic/Latinx populations.

The report appendices include charts showing population changes for adults, children, and racial and ethnic groups for the District’s wards and the Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia jurisdictions in the Greater DC region.

Research Areas Neighborhoods, cities, and metros Race and equity Children and youth Greater DC
Tags Racial segregation
Policy Centers Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center
Cities Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV