PROJECTPartnering for Vaccine Equity: Funding Opportunity for Community-Based Organizations

With funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Urban Institute is pleased to announce that a second year of funding and technical assistance will be made available to up to 20 community-based organizations (CBOs) working to increase vaccine confidence and uptake for adults of color. Selected awardees will develop and implement health communication and community engagement strategies designed to expand COVID and/ or influenza immunization coverage, confidence, and access. To support their efforts, selected CBOs will receive grants as well as the opportunity to receive tailored, one-on-one technical assistance as well as access to a large, national vaccine equity learning community. Additional details on this opportunity are available in the RFP.

Request for proposals (PDF)

Submit an application

When are applications due?

Applications must be submitted by 8:00 p.m. (EDT) on Friday, May 20, 2022.

Selected awardees will be notified on a rolling basis in June.

What is the funding period?

We anticipate 10-month periods of performance, beginning July 1, 2022 and ending April 29, 2023.

How large are the awards?

Awardees will receive grants of up to $80,000. Applicants are encouraged to apply for the full amount necessary to implement their proposed approach and activities up to this maximum. The final award amount is contingent on submission of a detailed and reasonable budget proposal to be approved by the Urban Institute.

How will funding decisions be made?

Details on application review criteria are available in the RFP, including a rubric assigning points based on the following application domains:

  • organizational mission, populations served, and past experience
  • well-defined community engagement approach and activities (project plan)
  • clear outputs, outcomes, and impact (monitoring and evaluation)
  • detailed budget and budget narrative

What organizations are eligible to apply?

Eligible applicants are organizations based and operating in the United States (including DC and US territories), that are nonprofit and tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, except for colleges, universities, hospitals, health systems, or their fiscal sponsors.

Examples of eligible CBOs could include faith-based organizations; vaccine advocacy organizations; public health focused associations; and civic, cultural, and social organizations that have the capacity to educate and engage communities of color who are at increased risk of getting COVID-19. CBOs should have demonstrated experience effectively engaging with at risk populations in the community. FQHCs may apply but to be eligible they should have demonstratable, community-based programming including outreach and engagement.

What if I have additional questions?

Applicants with questions not answered on this page or the RFP are encouraged to email them to [email protected].

Questions and answers will be shared on this online document, accessible to all applicants and updated regularly.

The Urban Institute held an informational Q&A webinar on the RFP on May 12, 2022. Presentation slides and a recording of the webinar has been made accessible for those who were unable to attend. 

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