PROJECTPartnering with the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning to Strengthen Georgia’s Early Care and Learning System

Children at daycare playing

Since 2021, Urban Institute researchers have engaged in a close partnership with the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) to help them explore a range of pressing questions about how to strengthen early care and learning in Georgia.

Our Approach to Seeking Insights and Evidence

This work has been characterized by DECAL’s strong commitment to valuing many forms of evidence and collaborating with our team to systematically gather and share it. This includes a strong emphasis on understanding the experiences and perspectives of

  • the families who need care and education,
  • center-based and home-based child care programs and providers,
  • child care teachers and program directors,
  • those who administer and deliver the services in and for DECAL, and
  • other Georgia stakeholders and experts who are interested in strengthening early care and learning.

We have gathered these perspectives and experiences from more than 7,500 people through surveys, interviews, and focus groups. We also have analyzed administrative and survey data, conducted microsimulation modeling, and used implementation science to explore the early care and learning landscape in Georgia. Before making our recommendations, we shared our insights with those closest to the work to gain additional insights.

What We Have Learned

As of summer 2024, the Urban team has translated the information we gathered into key findings and recommendations for DECAL to use in making policy and operational decisions on the following:

If you would like to know more about this Urban Institute research with Georgia, please contact Dr. Teresa Derrick-Mills, the senior research fellow who leads much of this work. If you would like to learn more about this work from the Georgia team who guides this partnership, please reach out to [email protected].

Research and Evidence Health Policy Work, Education, and Labor Family and Financial Well-Being Tax and Income Supports Research to Action Technology and Data
Expertise Families Research Methods and Data Analysis Labor Markets Reproductive and Maternal Health Taxes and the Economy Social Safety Net Upward Mobility and Inequality Early Childhood
Tags Child care Child care and early education Child care workers and early childhood teachers Children's health and development Early childhood education Families with low incomes Parenting Rural people and places State programs, budgets Children and youth