PROJECTA List of COVID-19 Child Care Surveys and Data Analyses

March 11, 2022

Many national, state, and local agencies and organizations are conducting surveys to better understand the needs of families and child care providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

We compiled those surveys, as well as survey findings, data analyses, and syntheses, in this list. We hope this list will be useful to program administrators and researchers interested in learning about the needs of child care providers and families during the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery. Since publishing this list in July 2020, we have updated it periodically with new information and resources (September 2020, November 2020, January 2021, April 2021, September 2021, and March 2022).

We cast a broad net to identify resources that may be useful to those developing their own survey or data analysis. We describe each resource and its methods but do not evaluate the quality of resources included.

As detailed in our invitation to share COVID-19 child care surveys and data analyses, we invite you to share your survey instruments, reports, findings, analyses, or other resources related to COVID-19 and child care, or to suggest changes to this list, by emailing [email protected]

How Do I Use This List?

Each row in the list describes a different resource, with a link to the public URL, or a contact name if the public URL is not available. Users have the option to sort and filter the resources. For example, you can sort by date published, name of state, population (provider or family), and whether a survey instrument is included. We left columns blank where information was not reported or not applicable.

This list may also be downloaded as an Excel or PDF file by clicking on the three dots after the title in the main header bar and choosing “export.”

To get updates on this and other resources for building child care research capacity, sign up for our mailing list.



This list was funded by the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, US Department of Health and Human Services. We are grateful to them and to all our funders, who make it possible for Urban to advance its mission. The views expressed in the compiled resources are those of the original sources and should not be attributed to the Urban Institute, its trustees, or its funders.

Eleanor Lauderback, Laura Wagner, and Julia Isaacs of the Center for Supporting Research on CCDBG Implementation created and maintain this list. We appreciate the contributions of Margaret Todd, Serena Lei, and Alice Feng, as well as the work of the Alliance for Early Success, which collected links to COVID-19 surveys of families and providers.

Research and Evidence Family and Financial Well-Being
Tags COVID-19