PROJECTHOST Initiative in Action

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  • Designing Housing as a Platform for Services
  • Stability
  • Physical Health 
  • Mental health
  • Food Security
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  • Youth
  • Two-Generation Approach
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  • The HOST Initiative of the Urban Institute

  • Two-generation approaches target low-income children and parents from the same household, combining parent and child interventions to interrupt the cycle of poverty.

    These approaches emphasize education, economic supports, social capital, and health and well-being to create a legacy of economic security that passes from one generation to the next.

    HOST uses a two-generation strategy to support and empower families living in public and subsidized housing. This whole-family wraparound approach combines intensive case management and supplemental supports and services for adults and for children. HOST case managers and motivational coaches think about family goals and strategic targeting and attention to individuals within families. 

    One of the most compelling rationales for an integrated two-generation approach to service delivery is the multiplier effects for parents and children. Having both parent and child participate in coordinated services should lead to multiplier effects that could not be achieved when parents and children are enrolled in separate and uncoordinated programs. Spurred on by their children’s success, parents may pursue more education and obtain a better job. Further improvement in children’s development might follow, for example, in school success and social competence. Ultimately, the benefits of these multiplier effects would accrue not only to the parent or child participating in an intervention but to the whole family.


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