Coverage Implications for Your State
Click on, or select, a state to access a fact sheet exploring the coverage implications for your state.
Congress is considering partial repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) through budget reconciliation. Because only components of the law with federal budget implications can be changed through reconciliation, this approach would permit elimination of the Medicaid expansion, the federal financial assistance for Marketplace coverage (premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions), and the individual and employer mandates. It would leave the insurance market reforms (including the nongroup market’s guaranteed issue, prohibition on preexisting condition exclusions, modified community rating, essential health benefit requirements, and actuarial value standards) in place. There is no consensus around a replacement plan to enact as the ACA is repealed, so repeal without replacement could happen.
The fact sheets accessed through this map examine how a reconciliation bill similar to the one vetoed in January 2016 will affect health care coverage in each state and the District of Columbia. Each fact sheet includes estimates of five effects:
- The types of health insurance coverage (including no insurance) that nonelderly residents would have in 2019 with and without partial repeal of the ACA.
- The characteristics of residents who would lose coverage with partial repeal of the ACA, including their age, family income, family employment status, race/ethnicity, and educational attainment.
- The number of uninsured children and parents in 2019 with and without partial repeal of the ACA.
- The characteristics of children who would lose coverage with partial repeal of the ACA.
- The characteristics of parents who would lose coverage with partial repeal of the ACA.
These estimates supplement two previous Urban reports, Implications of Partial Appeal of the ACA through Reconciliation and Partial Repeal of the ACA through Reconciliation: Coverage Implications for Parents and Children.