The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges for many small businesses. Closures and bankruptcies have increased, but the effects have been concentrated in some sectors, and the federal government has responded with unprecedented support through the Paycheck Protection Program and other efforts.
Join the Urban Institute for a discussion about how small businesses are faring one year after the start of widespread economic shutdowns due to the pandemic. We will explore the disconnect between the fall in business activity and revenues, and generally positive small business credit and debt patterns. We will also discuss what roles governments and philanthropic entities should play, including what work is needed to ensure businesses historically excluded from access to capital can have a prosperous future.
- Tim Ferguson, Founder and Chairman, Next Street
- Deborah Frieze, Cofounder and President, Boston Impact Initiative
- Chris Wheat, Copresident, JPMorgan Chase Institute
- Brett Theodos, Senior Fellow and Director of the Community Economic Development Hub, Urban Institute (moderator)