In the midst of recent attention to ways in which the charitable deduction might be pared, worries loom about how giving might decline. The Urban Institute’s Tax Policy and Charities project examined the flip side of the issue, explored ways that existing incentives, along with new platforms and better practices, can be leveraged to encourage philanthropy. Researchers, policymakers, and philanthropic and nonprofit leaders discussed how tax policy tools might increase charitable giving. Topics included the proposal to extend the giving deadline for the charitable deduction to April 15 (as with individual retirement accounts), whether expanded use of donor-advised funds has encouraged greater giving, how new platforms for giving provide new opportunities, and nonprofit organizations’ efforts to improve their fundraising effectiveness.
Panel 1: Policy: Project 415
- Moderator: Cindy Lott, Columbia University
- Joseph Cordes, George Washington University
- Dan McCabe, Causetown Solutions, Inc.
- Eugene Steuerle, Urban Institute
- Sandra Swirski, Alliance for Charitable Reform
Panel 2: Philanthropic Vehicles and Initiatives: How are they doing?
- Moderator: Alan Abramson, George Mason University
- Una Osili, Lilly Family School of Philanthropy
- John Porter, ACT for Alexandria
- Sue Santa, Council on Foundations
- Lorie Slutsky, The New York Community Trust
- Victoria Vrana, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Panel 3: Online Platforms and Data Initiatives: What are they doing?
- Moderator: Elizabeth Boris, Urban Institute
- Kevin Conroy, Global Giving
- Brian Walsh, Liquidnet
- Andrew Watt, Association for Fundraising Professionals
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