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City Economic and Fiscal Resilience: How can we measure it? How can we improve it?


In collaboration with the National League of Cities

Cities are where people come together to work, live, and thrive. Cities also face challenges, many of which were laid bare in the Great Recession, when local government revenues fell by their largest decline on record. Today, although city coffers are growing, the recovery has been uneven, and many communities are still struggling with job and population losses, a backlog of infrastructure projects, underfunded employee pension and retiree health plans, and political conflicts that make budgeting difficult despite a relatively healthy economic base.

In light of these pressures, federal, state and local policymakers as well as business leaders and citizens need more and better information about the drivers of fiscal health. This event, hosted in collaboration with the National League of Cities, will highlight several research approaches to understanding city fiscal and economic resilience. It will also explore lessons from the Great Recession and how local, state, and federal policymakers can put cities on more sound fiscal and economic footing.


  • Nani Coloretti, deputy secretary, US Department of Housing and Urban Development 
  • Tracy Gordon, senior fellow, Urban Institute
  • Chris Hoene, executive director, California Budget & Policy Center
  • Robert Inman, Richard King Mellon professor of finance, University of Pennsylvania
  • Amy Liu, vice president and director, Metropolitan Policy Program, Brookings Institution
  • Christiana McFarland, research director, National League of Cities
  • Michael Pagano, dean and professor, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Scott Smith, interim CEO, Valley Metro; former mayor, Mesa, Arizona
Event Materials


Support for this event has been provided by The MacArthur Foundation.
For more information on our funding principles, go to

Breakfast will be available at 8:30 a.m. The program will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m.
For inquiries regarding this event, please contact [email protected].


Date & Time Thursday, September 8, 2016
Urban Institute 2100 M Street NW
5th floor
Washington , DC , 20037
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  • Vice President, Tax Policy
    Acting Codirector, Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center
    Robert C. Pozen Director, Tax Policy