For the past 10 months, the University of Oregon’s Center for Translational Neuroscience, in partnership with the Urban Institute, has surveyed families with children ages 5 and younger to understand how they’re experiencing the pandemic and the unique challenges families of color, low-income families, and families of children with disabilities face. Join Urban and the University of Oregon for a briefing on the findings from the Rapid Assessment of Pandemic Impact on Development (RAPID)–Early Childhood surveys, including a discussion about how policymakers can address short- and long-term challenges. Researchers will also discuss how policy staff can access and use RAPID data to mitigate the pandemic’s impact on the development and outcomes of young children.
- Amy Elsbree, Senior Director, External Affairs, Urban Institute
- Philip Fisher, Philip H. Knight Chair and Professor of Psychology, University of Oregon
- Erica Greenberg, Senior Research Associate, Center on Education Data and Policy, Urban Institute
Related Materials
- COVID-19 and Young Families’ Well-Being: From Rapid-Response Research to Policy Solutions (Urban Institute)
- Rapid Assessment of Pandemic Impact on Development–Early Childhood (University of Oregon)
- Rapid Assessment of Pandemic Impact on Development–Early Childhood: Reports and policy briefs (University of Oregon)
- Rapid Assessment of Pandemic Impact on Development–Early Childhood: Blog posts (University of Oregon)
- RAPID Question Bank Dashboard (University of Oregon)
- RAPID-Early Childhood Survey Fact Sheet (University of Oregon)