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Are Kids Getting Shortchanged in the Federal Budget?

Findings from Kids' Share 2018

Join the Urban Institute for our annual discussion about the state of public investment in the health, education, and well-being of America’s children.

Investments in today’s youngest generation will have far-reaching consequences for our society in the future. As fiscal pressures increase from rising entitlement and interest costs, what is happening to programs that benefit children? How have recent tax and spending bills affected the trajectory of the kids’ share of the federal budget? Will future generations receive the support they need to have healthy childhoods and thrive in adulthood?

At this panel, the Urban Institute will release our 12th annual Kids’ Share report, which tracks federal spending on children and explains how congressional budget actions affect children. Urban’s Kids’ Share project informs a national conversation about how best to invest the country’s resources by examining federal and state expenditures on children in the past and projecting for the future.


featured speakers

  • Heather Hahn, Senior Fellow, Urban Institute
  • Karen Howard, Vice President, Early Childhood Policy, First Focus
  • Julia B. Isaacs, Senior Fellow, Urban Institute
  • Maya MacGuineas, President, Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget
  • Samantha Vargas Poppe, Director, Policy Analysis Center, UnidosUS
  • C. Eugene Steuerle, Institute Fellow, Urban Institute (moderator)
Event materials


Please contact [email protected] with questions regarding this event.  Support for this event is provided by the Annie E. Casey Foundation and the Peter G. Peterson Foundation. For more information on the Urban Institute’s funding principles, go to

Date & Time Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Urban Institute 2100 M Street NW
5th floor
Washington , DC , 20037
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  • Associate Vice President, Family and Financial Well-Being Division
  • Senior Fellow
  • Institute Fellow and Richard B. Fisher Chair