Data and technology for racial equity in the criminal legal system
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The Urban Institute and the Microsoft Justice Reform Initiative are collaborating on the Catalyst Grant Program to help organizations use data and technology to advance racial equity in the criminal legal system.
How an Antitrafficking Organization Engaged People with Lived Experience in Research on Forced Criminality The harm caused by human trafficking— the exploitation of individuals through force, fraud, or coercion for commercial sex or forced labor —is profound: survivors are often left with a myriad of legal, financial, social, medical, and mental health issues, particularly those who are people of colorWhat You Need to Know to Start a Court Watch Program As part of the Microsoft Catalyst Grant Program , several grantees have used Catalyst funds to improve their court watching efforts and impact their communities.Sharing Data on Racial Disparities in Policing to Transform Public Safety in Tulsa Tulsa, Oklahoma, is a city rife with histories of Black success, but also anti-Black racism and violence. From the success of “Black Wall Street” in the early 20th century, to the subsequent destruction of that neighborhood by white supremacists in the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre , to present-dayArrojando luz sobre la violencia policial en Puerto Rico Si bien se han difundido ampliamente investigaciones sobre disparidades raciales en la actuación policial a lo largo de los 50 estados de Estados Unidos y el Distrito de Columbia, se sabe menos sobre estas disparidades en Puerto Rico, donde los conceptos de raza y grupo étnico presentan matices
Developed by the Urban Institute for community groups, drawing on the experiences of Catalyst Grant Program participants and Urban researchers.