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Steven Martin
Senior Research Associate
Center on Labor, Human Services, and Population

Steven Martin is a senior research associate in the Center on Labor, Human Services, and Population at the Urban Institute. He works on various topics in social demography. His recent work has covered a range of demographic topics across the life course, such as nonmarital childbearing, fertility timing, childlessness, union formation and dissolution, and age at entry into sexual activity, as well as topics in time use, well-being, the “digital divide” (the unequal diffusion of internet and computer use in the United States), and the quality of data from event-history surveys.

Martin's  undergraduate training was in biology at the University of California, Berkeley, with an emphasis on evolutionary biology; he also earned teaching credentials for middle and high school science and mathematics. He has a PhD in sociology from the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Research Areas
Children and youth
Social determinants of health
Children and youth