Matt Eldridge is a senior policy program manager in the Urban Institute’s Research to Action Lab. His research, policy, and technical assistance work center on how innovative public, private, and philanthropic investments can yield improved social and environmental impacts. His work has covered a variety of approaches and models including pay for success and impact bonds, blended finance, performance-based contracting, place-based impact investing, and innovations in local resource mobilization. The principles of equity, impact, and evidence guide his work and interest in this space.
Some of his recent work at Urban has included reviewing enabling environments for public-private partnerships, identifying barriers to policy implementation in Africa, researching the role of regional business partnerships in supporting inclusive growth, and evaluating of a federal grant program for African American history and culture. Before joining Urban, Edridge spent two years consulting on financial regulations and three years at the World Bank working on corporate reform and helping manage the Bank’s Central Asia portfolio. He holds a BA from Virginia Tech and an MSc from the London School of Economics and currently resides in New York City.