Laura Betancur
Research Associate
Center on Labor, Human Services, and Population
  • Profile
  • Outside Affiliations
  • Laura Betancur is a research associate in the Center on Labor, Human Services, and Population at the Urban Institute. She focuses on the public programs that support the well-being of low-income children, such as Head Start, state-provided prekindergarten, and the child care subsidy system.

    Before joining Urban, Betancur was a postdoctoral research associate at Iowa State University, where she used Iowa’s Integrated Data System for Decision Making to identify patterns of child care use among low-income families and to assess the potential benefits of receiving multiple public child care services.

    Betancur has a BA in psychology from Universidad the Antioquia in Colombia, an MA in psychology from Los Andes University, and an MS and PhD in developmental psychology from the University of Pittsburgh.

    Research Areas
    Children and youth
    Child care
    Child care and early childhood education
    Child care and workers

    Outside Affiliations
    Iowa State University
    Research Associate in the Department of Human Development and Family Studies

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