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G. Thomas Kingsley
Senior Fellow
Former employee

Tom Kingsley was a senior fellow at the Urban Institute until his death in January 2018. He devoted his career to expanding opportunities for low-income residents in urban areas, specializing in housing, urban policy, and governance issues. He served for over a decade as director of Urban’s Center for Public Finance and Housing and for 17 years as director and codirector of the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership. He also analyzed neighborhood patterns and impacts of the foreclosure crisis, assessed lessons from HUD’s HOPE VI program for urban policy and the future of public housing, provided analytic support to the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Making Connections Initiative, and analyzed the patterns and effects of concentrated poverty in America’s urban areas.

In the 1990s, Kingsley was codirector for the Ford Foundation–sponsored Urban Opportunity Program, which produced four books on urban policy issues in America. Before joining Urban, he directed several major policy research programs, including testing the market effects of housing allowance programs (1974–80, for the HUD-sponsored Housing Assistance Supply Experiment), analyzing metropolitan Cleveland's economy (1980–82, for the Cleveland Foundation), and preparing a national urban development strategy for Indonesia (1982–85, for the United Nations).

Kingsley previously was director of the RAND Corporation's housing and urban policy program and was assistant administrator for the New York City Housing and Development Administration. He also taught in the graduate urban planning programs at the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Southern California.

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