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Davide Azzolini
Affiliated Scholar
Family and Financial Well-Being Division Financial Well-Being
Addressing today’s most pressing social challenges in an effective manner requires rigorous and innovative public policy analysis that, first, improves our understanding of social mechanisms and, second, finds new ways to employ research findings to better inform policy.

Davide Azzolini is an affiliated scholar at the Urban Institute and a research fellow at the Research Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies of the Bruno Kessler Foundation (Italy).

In his work, Azzolini seeks to produce rigorous empirical evidence that can be used to inform policymaking. He is particularly interested in public policy analysis and program evaluation in the areas of student achievement, higher education, education inequality, and immigrant integration. Azzolini has specific experience in designing and conducting randomized controlled trials on the topics of children’s savings programs and teacher training.

Azzolini was a visiting student at the Free University of Berlin (Germany) and research collaborator at the Office of Population Research of the Princeton University.

Azzolini has a PhD in sociology and social research from the University of Trento (Italy) and a master’s degree in public policy analysis from COREP, Turin (Italy).

Research and Evidence
Family and Financial Well-Being
Wealth and Financial Well-Being