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Daniel Teles
Principal Research Associate
Housing and Communities Division Community and Economic Development
Urban does the work that made me want to do research. Public policy has real effects on people’s lives. At Urban, we get to figure out how, and we have a platform to share that new knowledge.

Daniel Teles is a principal research associate in the Housing and Communities Division at the Urban Institute. His research studies policies and programs that strive to increase access to decent affordable housing, support community and economic development, or strengthen the nonprofit sector. 

Teles is leading research examining the development of subsidized housing in low-poverty or high-opportunity neighborhoods and an exploration of potential alterative calculations for Fair Market Rents for the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

He has contributed to the Journal of Economic Inequality, Housing Policy Debate, Cityscape, Journal of Housing Research, the Handbook of Research on Nonprofit Economics and Management, and the Lincoln Institute for Land Policy’s Significant Features of the Property Tax.

Teles received a BS from the George Washington University and an MA and PhD in economics from Tulane University. Between George Washington and Tulane, he worked for New Orleans Area Habitat for Humanity and Louisiana’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program. At Tulane, Teles was a community-engaged graduate fellow and coprincipal investigator of the AmeriCorps Crowd Out Study. 

Research and Evidence
Housing and Communities
Community and Economic Development Climate Change, Disasters and Community Resilience Housing
Climate-resilient housing Equitable disaster recovery