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Claudia D. Solari
Principal Research Associate
Housing and Communities Division Preventing and Ending Homelessness
I am inspired to offer evidence and data-driven policy recommendations through research to identify what works to improve the lives of the most vulnerable people in our society.

Claudia D. Solari is a principal research associate in the Housing and Communities Division at the Urban Institute, where she studies housing instability.

Solari specializes in social inequality and demography, with a focus on homelessness, low-income housing, mixed-income housing, neighborhood inequality and segregation, and housing crowding. She has worked on longitudinal social experiments, including the New Hope Project and the Family Options Study. Solari is trained in quantitative and mixed-methods research, as well as survey design, evaluation, and large-scale data collection. She is skilled with large- and small-scale project management and was project director of the Annual Homeless Assessment Report to Congress.

Solari received her BA from Brown University and her PhD in sociology from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Research and Evidence
Housing and Communities
Preventing and Ending Homelessness Transition-Age Young People Housing
Children and youth