Fact Sheet Uninsured Adults’ Marketplace Knowledge Gaps Persisted in April 2021
Jennifer M. Haley, Erik Wengle
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In this fact sheet, we use data from the Urban Institute’s Health Reform Monitoring Survey to assess knowledge gaps about Marketplace coverage among nonelderly uninsured adults in April 2021, finding that fewer than half reported having heard a lot or some about the Marketplaces and fewer than a third reported having heard a lot or some about subsidies that make Marketplace coverage and care more affordable. Among uninsured adults who had heard only a little or nothing about Marketplace plans or subsidies, more than half were younger than 35, nearly half were not working, more than a quarter were bilingual or Spanish-speaking, more than one in five lacked a high school degree, and more than one in seven lacked home internet access. These findings suggest that outreach and enrollment assistance efforts will need to be larger and well targeted to ensure uninsured adults can take advantage of newly expanded enrollment opportunities and subsidies under the American Rescue Plan.

Research and Evidence Health Policy
Expertise Health Care Coverage, Access, and Affordability
Tags Health insurance