Brief Strategies to Meet the Child Care Needs of Low-Income Parents Seeking Education and Training: Executive Summary
Gina Adams, Teresa Derrick-Mills, Caroline Heller
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Child care can be an insurmountable barrier for low-income parents seeking education and training so they can get better jobs to support their families. Helping families with child care can also be challenging for programs trying to help these parents get ahead. Despite funding and policy barriers, there are programs that have taken on this challenge. This brief summarizes a longer study and lays out six steps that local and state programs can take to address the child care needs of parents in education and training.

This is part of the Urban Institute’s series of reports from the Bridging the Gap project, which focuses on what we know about the child care needs of parents needing education and training.

Research and Evidence Family and Financial Well-Being Work, Education, and Labor Tax and Income Supports Research to Action
Expertise Families Social Safety Net Higher Education Workforce Development Apprenticeships Labor Markets Upward Mobility and Inequality Early Childhood
Tags Higher education Welfare and safety net programs Economic well-being Public service and subsidized employment programs Child care Employment and education Head Start and Early Head Start Secondary education Job training Work-family balance Kids in context Child care workers and early childhood teachers Children and youth