Research Report Racial/Ethnic Differences in Uninsurance Rates under the ACA
Lisa Clemans-Cope, Matthew Buettgens, Hannah Recht
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This report is the first state-level projection of ACA coverage gains for racial/ethnic groups. Absent ACA coverage provisions, Latinos, blacks, and American Indian/Alaska Natives are overrepresented among the uninsured. With the ACA and current state Medicaid expansion decisions, uninsurance rates are projected to fall for each racial/ethnic group, narrowing coverage differences between whites and each minority group, except for blacks. If all states were to expand their Medicaid programs, we project that uninsurance rates would fall further for all racial/ethnic groups, with blacks experiencing a marked reduction. Effective outreach can further reduce uninsurance rates for all racial and ethnic groups.

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Research and Evidence Health Policy Family and Financial Well-Being Tax and Income Supports Research to Action Race and Equity
Expertise Social Safety Net Families Health Care Coverage, Access, and Affordability Medicare and Medicaid Upward Mobility and Inequality
Tags Families with low incomes Health insurance Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program  Racial and ethnic disparities Inequality and mobility Racial barriers to accessing the safety net Racial inequities in health