Research Report The Nonprofit Sector in Brief: Public Charities, Giving and Volunteering, 2012
Amy Blackwood, Katie Roeger, Sarah L. Pettijohn
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The Nonprofit Sector in Brief summarizes and expands on The Nonprofit Almanac 2012, prepared by the National Center for Charitable Statistics and published by the Urban Institute Press. Both publications highlight the growth in the number and finances of 501(c)(3) public charities, as well as key findings on private charitable contributions and volunteering. It presents trends from 2000 to 2010 but special attention is paid to 2008 through 2010 to see the impact the recession had on the nonprofit sector. See the back cover for details on how to order a copy of The Nonprofit Almanac 2012.

Research and Evidence Research to Action
Expertise Nonprofits and Philanthropy
Tags Nonprofit data and statistics Charitable giving
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