Brief The Condominium Supply Situation Is Getting Worse
Laurie Goodman, Michael Neal
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Despite the relaxation of condo financing rules, recent GSE actions in the aftermath of the 2021 Surfside, FL, condominium collapse have been crippling to both the supply of new condos and GSE financing for the purchase of existing condos. In contrast, the Federal Housing Administration condo share of purchase loans, which is smaller than that of the GSEs, has stabilized in recent years. In response to these trends, we suggest measures that would have a more modest impact on the supply of new condos and the financing of existing condos. We first look at the importance of condos for the housing market. We look at the historical factors that have held back supply and examine the lifting of the requirements that have historically restricted financing. And then we review the new requirements. Finally, we suggest some alterations to the temporary requirements that would protect insurers and guarantors but would eliminate some of the bottlenecks to credit access.

Research and Evidence Housing and Communities
Expertise Housing Finance
Tags Housing finance reform Housing affordability