Research Report 2000-2010 Population Profiles: Atlanta, Las Vegas, Washington, DC, and Youngstown
Mapping America’s Futures, Brief 6
Allison Stolte, Kaitlin Franks, Nan Marie Astone, Steven Martin, Rolf Pendall, H. Elizabeth Peters, Austin Nichols
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The Mapping America’s Futures project has developed multiple series of population projections by age, race, and ethnicity for the 740 commuting zones in the United States. This brief examines the diverse population structures and growth patterns across four commuting zones in 2010 to illustrate the variances in populations across the United States that influence the 2030 projections.
Research Areas Race and equity Immigration Greater DC
Tags Racial and ethnic disparities Immigrant communities demographics and trends Race, gender, class, and ethnicity Greater DC Immigration
Policy Centers Center on Labor, Human Services, and Population
Cities Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV