Cohosted by the Urban Institute and Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
Many American central cities are still recovering from sharp revenue declines during the Great Recession, a collapse in housing prices, and an unprecedented surge in mortgage foreclosures. An investigation of central cities’ economic and fiscal resilience in the wake of these shocks is a prerequisite for crafting policies to ensure cities can provide essential public services and to prepare for future shocks to housing markets and local economies. This event offered insights from two recent research projects funded by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation that explore the links between shocks to urban housing markets and central cities’ finances.
The forum provided an opportunity for policymakers, budget officers, and others interested in cities’ fiscal health to discuss the relationship between housing and city finances and the role of fiscal policies in weathering future housing market fluctuations. The discussion included presentations from researchers at the Urban Institute, the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, and the City University of New York, as well as respondents from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, and municipal budget directors.
Speakers include
- Howard Chernick, professor, Hunter College
- Will Doerner, senior economist, Office of Policy Analysis and Research, Federal Housing Finance Agency
- Tracy Gordon, senior fellow, Urban Institute
- Andrew Haughwout, senior vice president and function head, microeconomic studies, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- Andrew Kleine, budget director, Baltimore, Maryland
- Fitzroy Lee, deputy chief financial officer and chief economist, Washington, DC
- George “Mac” McCarthy, president and chief executive officer, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy
- Mary Murphy, manager, state and local fiscal health, The Pew Charitable Trusts
- Ashlyn Nelson, associate professor and director of diversity, equity, and inclusion, Indiana University Bloomington
- Erika Poethig, Institute fellow and director of urban policy initiatives, Urban Institute
- Andrew Reschovsky, fellow, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy; professor emeritus, University of Wisconsin–Madison
- Kurt Wilson, city manager, Stockton, California
Event Materials
- Agenda
- Speaker biographies
- Presentation slides
- The Effect of the Housing Crisis on the Finances of Central Cities
- Webcast recording - Part 2
For inquiries regarding this event, please contact [email protected].
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Washington , DC , 20037